Departmental advising
Advising for students who have declared a major.
Every LAS department has at least one academic advisor to assist its students. Plan on visiting your advisor before you register for classes each semester.
See your major/departmental advisor for:
- New student registration
- Major plan of study
- Department advising holds
- Semester schedule plans
- Degree completion plans
- Inquiries about course restrictions
- Registration errors
- To obtain approval for adding a second major or minor
- Study abroad exploration, course planning and approvals
- Research/internship opportunities/getting involved
- Information regarding campus resources
- Degree audit questions
Your advisor will also assist you in obtaining letters of recommendation, provide information about graduate and professional schools, and offer advice about vocations related to your major or curriculum. If it's required, you should have your major plan-of-study form completed and submitted to LAS Student Academic Affairs before the end of your fifth semester (60-75 hours). Ask your advisor for more information about this form.
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, non-majors or prospective majors are welcome to make an appointment with the departmental advisors.
Advisors by major and minors
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Actuarial Science (major)
- Joe LoCicero
264A CAB, MC-374(217) 244-8251
- Prospective majors: View ASRM website before making an appointment.
- Hours: See website for more details.
- African American Studies (major, interdisciplinary minor)
- Leonard McKinnis
- 1201 W. Nevada St., Urbana
- Hours: email for appointment.
- African Studies (interdisciplinary minor)
- Maimouna Barro
- 210 International Studies Building, MC-485
- (217) 333-6335
- American Civilization (interdisciplinary major)
- Bob Steltman
- 2002 Lincoln Hall
- (217) 300-6752
- Hours: Call for appointment.
- American Indian Studies (minor)
- John McKinn
- 1204 W. Nevada Street, MC-138
- (217) 265-9870
- Hours: Call for appointment.
- Anthropology (major, minor)
- Maritza Quinones Rivera
- 109F Davenport Hall, MC-148
- (217) 265-8042
- Hours: email for appointment.
- Arabic Studies (minor)
- Eman Saadah
- 4098 Foreign Languages Building, MC-168
- (217) 244-4515
- Hours: noon to 1 p.m. Monday and Wednesday.
- Asian American Studies (major, interdisciplinary minor)
- Augusto Espiritu
- 1208 W. Nevada, Urbana, MC-142
- (217) 300-4092
- Prospective majors and minors, please email this advisor for an appointment.
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Astronomy (major, minor)
- Bryan Dunne
- 121 Astronomy Building, MC-221
- (217) 333-5537
- Hours: schedule an appointment
- Astronomy + Data Science (major)
- Bryan Dunne
- 121 Astronomy Building, MC-221
- (217) 333-5537
- Hours: schedule an appointment
- Astrophysics (major)
- Bryan Dunne
- 121 Astronomy Building, MC-221
- (217) 333-5537
- Hours: schedule an appointment
- Atmospheric Sciences (major, minor)
- Jessica Choate
- 3076 Natural History Building, 1301 W. Green, MC-104
- Hours: schedule an appointment
- Biochemistry (specialized curriculum)
- Alison Neff
- 417 Roger Adams Lab
- 217-244-6601
- Schedule an appointment here
- Biology (for freshmen before declaring IB or MCB)
- General advising contact
- 200 Burrill Hall, MC-120
(enter through room 101, Learning Center) - (217) 333-6774
- Shawna Naidu
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Tim Bowers
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Brad Mehrtens
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Jack Ikeda
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 244-8732
- Lilia Garcia
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Bethany Burger
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Dara Lawyer
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Jessica Fink
- 2002 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-3046
- Christina Swanson
- 2002 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-3046
- IB advising website
- IB Honors Concentration: Jim Dalling
- MCB advising website
- MCB Honors Concentration: Shawna Naidu
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30-5 p.m. (closed for lunch during student breaks only). Call or stop by 200 Burrill Hall to make an appointment.
- Biology (secondary education)
- Tim Bowers
- 200 Burrill Hall
(217) 333-6774 - Jessica Fink
- 2002 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-3046
- Also see Integrative Biology (major) and Molecular and Cellular Biology (major)
- Brain and Cognitive Science (major)
- Billy Vermillion
- 10 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- Laura Van Buer
- 10 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- Laura Walsh
- 10 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- Gary Wszalek
- 28 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- Nikki Wynn
- 2 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- General questions/Prospective majors: email us at and an advisor will contact you.
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (specialized curriculum)
- SCS Academic Advising
- 110 Noyes Lab, MC-712
- Last name A-G: Wolali Dedo
- 110B Noyes Lab, MC-712
- (217) 244-8531
- Last name H-N: Hannah Mathwich
- 110C Noyes Lab, MC-712
- (217) 244-0263
- Last name O-Z: Todd Spinner
- 110A Noyes Lab, MC-712
- (217) 244-6605
- Advising website
- Hours: See our advisors' page to schedule an appointment and for express advising information.
- Chemistry (Sciences & Letters major, specialized curriculum)
- SCS Academic Advising
- 110 Noyes Lab, MC-712
- Last name A-G: Wolali Dedo
- 110B Noyes Lab, MC-712
- (217) 244-8531
- Last name H-N: Hannah Mathwich
- 110C Noyes Lab, MC-712
- (217) 244-0263
- Last name O-Z: Todd Spinner
- 110A Noyes Lab, MC-712
- (217) 244-6605
- Advising website
- Hours: See our advisors' page to schedule an appointment and for express advising information.
- Chemistry (minor)
- Advising website
- Hours: See our minors website.
- Chemistry (secondary education)
- Donald DeCoste
- 309 Chemistry Annex, MC-712
- (217) 244-5959
- Advising website
- Hours: Call for appointment.
- Classics (major, minor)
- Clara Bosak-Schroeder
- 4045 LCLB, MC-174
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Classical Civilizations (a concentration in the Classics major, minor)
- Clara Bosak-Schroeder
- 4045 LCLB, MC-174
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Classical Languages (a concentration in the Classics major, minor)
- Clara Bosak-Schroeder
- 4045 LCLB, MC-174
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Communication (major, minor)
- Neil Baer
- 3051 Lincoln Hall, MC-456
- (217) 333-1647
- Sarah Layne
- 3051 Lincoln Hall, MC-456
- Hours: Schedule an appointment on the advising website
- Comparative and World Literature (major)
- John Levi Barnard
- 3035 Foreign Languages Building, MC-160
- Hours: email for appointment.
- Computer Science and X (major)
- Computer Science and Anthropology: Contact both the anthropology advisor and the computer science advisor.
- Computer Science and Astronomy: Contact both the astronomy advisor and the computer science advisor.
- Computer Science and Chemistry: Contact both the chemistry advisor and the computer science advisor.
- Computer Science and Economics: Contact both the economics advisor and the computer science advisor.
- Computer Science and Geography and GIS: Contact both the geography and GIS advisor and the computer science advisor.
- Computer Science and Linguistics: Contact both the linguistics advisor and the computer science advisor.
- Computer Science and Philosophy: Contact both the philosophy advisor and the computer science advisor.
- Computer Science and X advisor: Contact the computer science undergraduate advising office
- 1210 Siebel Center, MC-258
- (217) 333-4428
- Hours: Walk-in advising Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.; Monday through Thursday, 1 to 3 p.m.
During the first week of each semester and the first week of the early registration period, advising is restricted to students already in one of the Computer Science majors.
- Computer Science (minor)
- Jacob Deters
- 1210 Siebel Center, MC-258
- (217) 333-4428
- Walk-in advising Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.; Monday through Thursday, 1 to 3 p.m.
- During the first week of each semester and the first week of the early registration period, advising is restricted to students in Computer Science majors.
- Creative Writing (major, minor / formerly Rhetoric)
- Anna Ivy
- 200 English Building, MC-718
- (217) 333-4346
- Keshia Atkins
- 200 English Building, MC-718
- (217) 333-4346
- Advising website
- Hours: Scheduled appointments 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
- Data science (minor)
- Jennifer Anderson Bliss
- 156 CAB; MC-374
- (217) 333-2167
- Aaron Smith
- 156 CAB; MC-374
- (217) 333-2167
- David Unger
- 156 CAB; MC-374
- (217) 333-2167
- Please see the advising website for the most current information
- Earth Science (secondary education)
- Max Christie
- 2024 Natural History Building, MC-102
- Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability (major)
- Rob Kanter
- 3080 Natural History Building, MC-103
- (217) 244-2761
- Jonathan Tomkin
- 3086A Natural History Building; MC-103
- (217) 244-2928
- Constance Brown
- 3082 Natural History Building; MC-103
- (217) 300-8556
- Nooreen Meghani
- 3086 Natural History Building, MC-103
- Please see the ESES advising website for information about hours and scheduling appointments.
- East Asian Languages and Cultures (major, minor, teacher education)
- Naoko Gunji
- 2090 Foreign Languages Building, MC-146
- (217) 244-4012
- Hours: email for appointment.
- Economics (major, minor); Econometrics & Quantitative Economics (major)
- General advising email address
- Tosha Bilsbury
- 214 David Kinley Hall, MC-707
- (217) 333-2682
- Stefanie Flores-Freeman
- 214 David Kinley Hall, MC-707
- (217) 333-2682
- Kari Hutjens
- 214 David Kinley Hall, MC-707
- (217) 333-2682
- Advising website
- Appointments: Log in to ATLAS' Appointment Scheduling System, choose "Economics Advising Appointments," and select the advisor and week you wish to make an appointment. New appointment times are added frequently.
Express Advising (quick questions): See website for schedule. - Undergraduate office hours: 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
- Ecology & Conservation Biology (minor)
- Jessica Fink
- 2002 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-3046
- Christina Swanson
- 2002 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-3046
Nick Anderson - 2002 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-3046
- Advising website
- English (major, minor, secondary education)
- Anna Ivy
- 200 English Building, MC-718
- (217) 333-4346
- Keshia Atkins
- 200 English Building, MC-718
- (217) 333-4346
- Advising website
- Hours: Scheduled appointments 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
- English as a Second Language (minor)
- Zach Reed
- 4117 Foreign Languages Building, MC-171
- (217) 300-7382
- Hours: email for appointment.
- French (major, minor, teacher education)
- Daniel Maroun
- 2004 Foreign Languages Building, MC-158
- Advising website
- Hours: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, or by appointment.
- Gender and Women’s Studies (interdisciplinary major, minor)
- Tasha Robles
- 1205 W Nevada St, MC-137
- (217) 244-6732
- Hours: email for appointment.
- Geography and Geographic Information Science (major, minor)
- Jida Wang
- 2070 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-1880
- Hours: schedule an appointment
- Michael Minn
- 2072 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-1880
Hours: schedule an appointment - Marynia Kolak
- 2040 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-1880
- Hours: schedule an appointment
- Geology (major, minor)
- Alison Anders
- Max Christie
- 2024 Natural History Building, MC-102
- Willy Guenthner
- 3022 Natural History Building, MC-102
- Michael Stewart
- 3018 Natural History Building, MC-102
- (217) 244-5025
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Geology and Geophysics (specialized curriculum)
- Alison Anders
- Max Christie
- 2024 Natural History Building, MC-102
- Willy Guenthner
- 3022 Natural History Building, MC-102
- Michael Stewart
- 3018 Natural History Building, MC-102
- (217) 244-5025
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- German (teacher education)
- Charlie Webster
- 3101 Foreign Languages Building, MC-178
- Hours: 12 - 2 pm Mondays (in-person) or email for appointment.
- Germanic Languages and Literatures (major, minor)
- Charlie Webster
- 3101 Foreign Languages Building, MC-178
- Hours: 12 - 2 pm Mondays (in-person) or email for appointment
- Gerontology (interdisciplinary minor)
- For psychology and sociology majors only. See respective departmental advisors.
- Global Studies (interdisciplinary major, minor)
- Tim Wedig
- 3062 Lincoln Hall, MC-442
- (217) 333-0178
- Charles Fogelman
- 3062 Lincoln Hall, MC-442
- (217) 333-0178
- David Schrag
- 3062 Lincoln Hall, MC-442
- (217) 333-0178
- Caitlin Marie Alvarez
- 3062 Lincoln Hall, MC-442
- (217) 333-0178
- Prospective majors: Must attend informational meeting; no reservation required. See advising website for meeting dates and times.
- Advising website
- Hours: Walk-ins available for short questions (see website for times). Otherwise call for appointment.
- Hindi Studies (minor)
- Mithilesh Mishra
- 4080 Foreign Languages Building, MC-168
- (217) 333-3390
- History (major, minor, secondary education)
- Stefan Djordjevic
- 305B Gregory Hall, MC-466
- (217) 333-1155
- Hours: Please see History's advising website.
- History of Art (major, minor)
- Bryan VanGinhoven
- 130 Art + Design Building
- (217) 300-2520
- Hours: Email for appointment
- Individual Plans of Study (major)
- Email the LAS Student Academic Affairs office
- 2002 Lincoln Hall, MC-446
- Hours: Call for appointment.
- Integrative Biology (major, minor)
- Jessica Fink
- 2002 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-3046
- Christina Swanson
- 2002 Natural History Building
- (217) 333-3046
Nick Anderson - 2002 Natural History Building
(217) 333-3046 - IB Honors Concentration: Jim Dalling
- Advising website
- IB Honors Advising website
- Prospective majors: Please see advising website for additional information
- Hours: Call or stop by 2002 Natural History Building, or schedule an appointment
- Islamic World, Study of the (interdisciplinary minor)
- Angela Williams
- 222 International Studies Building, MC-489
- (217) 244-5939
- Italian (major, minor)
- Eleonora Stoppino
- 2120 Foreign Languages Building, MC-158
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Jewish Studies (interdisciplinary major), Jewish Culture and Society (interdisciplinary minor)
- Eugene Avrutin
- 309 Gregory Hall, MC-466
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies (major, interdisciplinary minor)
- Kasia Szremski
- 206 International Studies Building (ISB), MC-481
- (217) 300-2231
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Latina/Latino Studies (major, minor)
- Sean Ettinger
- 1207 W. Oregon, MC-136
- (217) 300-5875
- Hours: email for appointment.
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Queer Studies (minor)
- Tasha Robles
- 1205 W Nevada St, MC-137
- (217) 244-6732
- Hours: email for appointment.
- LAS General Curriculum (major)
- Email the LAS Access and Achievement Program
- 2002 Lincoln Hall, MC-446
- (217) 333-1705
- Hours: call or email for an appointment
- Linguistics (major, minor)
- Zach Reed
- 4072A Foreign Languages Building, MC-171
- (217) 300-6116
- Hours: schedule an appointment here
- Linguistics & Teaching of English as a Second Language (major, minor)
- Zach Reed
- 4072A Foreign Languages Building, MC-171
- (217) 300-6116
- Hours: schedule an appointment here
- Mathematics (major, minor, secondary education)
- Stacey Albers
- Skylar Zhang
- David Hovorka
- 505 E. Green St, Suite 301, MC-382
- Lee DeVille
- 505 E. Green St, Suite 301, MC-382
- (217) 244-7310
- Hours: Please email for appointment
- Mathematics and Computer Science (major)
- Math advisors (see above)
- Computer Science advisors
- 1210 Siebel Center, MC-258
- (217) 333-4428
- Hours: Walk-in advising Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.; Monday through Thursday, 1 to 3 p.m.
During the first week of each semester and the first week of the early registration period, advising is restricted to students already in one of the Computer Science majors.
- Medieval Civilization (option in Interdisciplinary Studies major, minor)
- Carol Symes
- 314a Gregory Hall, MC-466
- (217) 778-7987
- Hours: email for appointment
- Molecular and Cellular Biology (major, minor)
- General advising contact
- 200 Burrill Hall (enter through room 101, Learning Center)
- (217) 333-6774
- Shawna Naidu
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Tim Bowers
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Brad Mehrtens
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Jack Ikeda
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 244-8732
- Lilia Garcia
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Bethany Burger
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Dara Lawyer
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Honors Concentration: Shawna Naidu
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Advising website
- Prospective majors: Sign up for an information meeting; call (217) 333-6774 or stop by 101 Burrill Hall for dates and times.
- Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday (closed for lunch during student breaks only). Call or stop by 200 Burrill Hall or use our online scheduler to make an appointment.
- Neuroscience (major)
- Joe Fernandez
- 200 Burrill Hall
- (217) 333-6774
- Advising website
- Prospective majors: Sign up for an information meeting; call (217) 333-6774 or stop by 101 Burrill Hall for dates and times.
- Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday (closed for lunch during student breaks only). Call or stop by 101 Burrill Hall or use our online scheduler to make an appointment with Joe Fernandez for more information.
- Philosophy (major, minor)
- Email the advisor
- 202A Gregory Hall, MC-468
- (217) 333-2889
- Prospective majors and minors: schedule an appointment here
- Advising website
- Hours: schedule an appointment here
- Physics (Sciences & Letters major, specialized curriculum, secondary education)
- Merissa Milton
- 290W Loomis Lab, MC-704
- (217) 244-9524
- Prospective majors: Consult the curricular declaration criteria, then schedule an appointment.
- Hours: Call or email for appointment.
- Political Science (major, minor)
- Carlie Michelle Fieseler
- 417 David Kinley Hall, MC-713
- (217) 333-5948, schedule appointment
- Aramis Martinez
- 422 David Kinley Hall, MC-713
- (217) 333-5821; schedule appointment
- Joseph Hinchliffe
- 420 David Kinley Hall, MC-713
- (217) 244-1820, view blog; schedule appointment
- Hours: Please see Political Science advising website
- Portuguese (major, minor)
- John Karam
- 4110 Foreign Languages Building, MC-176
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Psychology (major, minor)
- Laura Van Buer
- 10 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- Billy Vermillion
- 10 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- Laura Walsh
- 10 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- Gary Wszalek
- 28 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- Nikki Wynn
- 2 Psychology Building, MC-716
- (217) 333-6478
- General questions/Prospective majors: email us at and an advisor will contact you.
- Religion (major, minor)
- Richard Layton
- 3019 Foreign Languages Building, MC-166
- (217) 333-0947
- Hours: Call for appointment.
- Renaissance Studies (interdisciplinary major)
- Email the LAS Student Academic Affairs Office
- 2002 Lincoln Hall, MC-446
- (217) 333-1703
- Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (major, interdisciplinary minor)
- Markian Dobczansky
- 104A Coble Hall, MC-429
- (217) 333-7281
- Hours: Call or email for appointment.
- Russian Language and Literature (minor)
- David Cooper
- 3131 Foreign Languages Building, MC-170
- (217) 244-4666
- Hours: email for appointment.
- Scandinavian Studies (minor)
- Charlie Webster
- 3101 Foreign Languages Building, MC-178
- Hours: 12 - 2 pm Mondays (in-person) or email for appointment.
- For the Scandinavian Studies concentration for a major in German, please refer to Germanic Languages and Literatures
- Science and Technology (interdisciplinary minor)
- Stefan Djordjevic
- 305B Gregory Hall, MC-466
- (217) 333-1155
- Hours: Please see History's advising website.
- Slavic Studies (major), Slavic Language and Literature (minor)
- George Gasyna
- 3056 Foreign Languages Building, MC-170, (217) 244-3070
- Hours: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., or email for appointment.
- Peter Wright
- 309 Gregory Hall, MC-466
- Hours: Email for appointment.
- Social Science: History Teaching Concentration
- Stefan Djordjevic
- 305B Gregory Hall, MC-466
- (217) 333-1155
- Hours: Please see History's advising website.
- Sociology (major, minor)
- Morgan Smith
- 3088 Lincoln Hall
- (217) 333-1647
- Hours: Please see Sociology's advising website
- South Asian Studies (interdisciplinary minor)
- Angela Williams
- 222 International Studies Building (ISB), MC-489
- (217) 244-5939
- Hours: Call for appointment.
- Spanish (major, minor, teacher education)
- Brady Hughes
- 4004 Foreign Languages Building, MC-176
- (217) 300-8509
- Hours: email for an appointment.
- Statistics (major, minor, certificate)
- Jennifer Anderson Bliss
- 156 CAB, MC-374, (217) 333-2167
- Aaron Smith
- 156 CAB, MC-374, (217) 333-2167
- Sarah Kwilecki
156 CAB, MC-374, (217) 333-2167 - David Unger
- 156 CAB, MC-374, (217) 333-2167
- Advising website
- Hours: Posted on website. Check advising website for the most current information.
- Statistics and Computer Science (major)
- Statistics advisors (see above)
- Computer Science advisors
- 1210 Siebel Center, MC-258
- (217) 333-4428
- Hours: Walk-in advising Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.; Monday through Thursday, 1 to 3 p.m.
- During the first week of each semester and the first week of the early registration period, advising is restricted to students in Computer Science majors.
- Sub-Saharan African Languages (minor)
- Kristina Riedel
- 3045 Foreign Languages Building, MC-168, (217) 333-7921
- World Literature (minor)
- John Levi Barnard
- 3035 Foreign Languages Building, MC-160
- Hours: email for appointment.