Past LAS award recipients
Academic Professional | Staff | McCowen Distinguished Service| Academic Advising | Dean's Award for Undergraduate Teaching | Undergraduate Teaching, Instructional Staff | Undergraduate Teaching by TAs | Distinguished Women Teachers | Humanities Teaching Excellence Award Program
Academic Professional Award Winners
- 2006-2007
Brian Jewett, Atmospheric Sciences
Kathy Hatch, Psychology
Jacquelyn Kahn, Gender and Women's Studies - 2007-2008
Ann Tandy Lacy, Spurlock Museum
Jonathan Manton, Mathematics
Penelope A. Soskin, LAS Student Academic Affairs Office - 2008-2009
Alison Ahlgren, Mathematics
Joseph Hinchliffe, Political Science
Jun Kai Zhang, Microbiology - 2009-2010
Corinne Crane, Germanic Languages and Literatures
Elaine Shpungin, Psychology
Jodee Stanley, English
Joan Volkmann, LAS Advancement - 2010-2011
Amy Elli, LAS Office of the Dean
Elizabeth Morley, Center for Writing Studies
Scott Morris, Earth, Society and Environment - 2011-2012
Scott Bartlett, History
Wendy Harris, Mathematics
Carol Wakefield, LAS Office of Administration - 2012-2013
Jonathan Tomkin, School of Earth, Society & Env
Charles Walbaum, School of Chemical Sciences
Jennifer White, Spurlock Museum - 2013-2014
Robert Jenkins, Germanic Languages and Literature
Sandee Moore, Mathematics
Kim Sheahan, Sprulock Museum - 2014-2015
James Clark, Psychology
Ruth Hoffman, LAS Student Academic Affairs Office
Anthony Mullen, Mathematics - 2015-2016
Stephanie Haas, Office of the Dean
Karen Mortensen, Mathematics
Gretchen Pein, LAS Student Academic Affairs Office - 2016-2017
Ann Abbott, Spanish & Portuguese
Anna Ivy, English
Melissa Reedy, Molecular and Cellular Biology - 2017-2018
Anu Murphy, Mathematics
Alejandra Stenger, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Beth Watkins, Spurlock Museum - 2018-2019
Jenny Cox, Chemistry
W. Brad Petersen, LAS Communications & Marketing
Jack Thomas, Spurlock Museum - 2019-2020
Florencia Henshaw, Spanish & Portuguese
John Holton, Spurlock Museum
Timothy Wedig, LAS Global Studies - 2020-2021
Alison Reddy, Mathematics
Serenity Desmond, Chemistry
Melanie Waters, Spanish & Portuguese - 2021-2022
Jeeyoung Ha, East Asian Languages & Cultures
Melissa Sotelo, Spurlock Museum
Kasia Szremski, Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies - 2022-2023
Brenden Carollo, Spanish & Portuguese
Amber Holmes, Mathematics
Firmino Pinto, Psychology - 2023-2024
Sherri Kiska, School of Earth, Society & Environment (SESE)
Emily Lange, Mathematics
Will Mitchell, Applied Technologies for the Learning in the Arts and Sciences (ATLAS)
Nikki Wynn, Psychology - 2024-2025
Heather Gillett, LAS Office of Communications and Marketing
Nicolas Morphew, School of Integrative Biology
Billy Vermillion, Psychology
Staff Award Winners
- 2006-2007
Marita Romine, FLB Admin
Terry Davis, English
Brenda Stamm, Political Science - 2007-2008
Barbara Elmore, Geology
Rebecca Moss, English
Susana Vazquez Weigel, Speech Communication - 2008-2009
Margie Salmon, Communication
Deborah Stauffer, English - 2009-2010
Lauri Harden, English
Dana Loschen, Psychology
Dale McBride, Economics
Geraldine Moore, School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics - 2010-2011
Rhonda Kissling, Intensive English Institute
Patricia O'Bryan, LAS Advancement
Carla Vail, Philosophy - 2011-2012
Katie Beall, Psychology
Amy Rumsey, English
Peggy Wells, Philosophy - 2012-2013
Melissa Banks, Statistics
Lisa Smith, Animal Biology
Mary Strum, Communication - 2013-2014
Amy Holland, Communication
Beth Myler, Chemistry
Virginia Swisher, Gender and Women's Studies - 2014-2015
Katherine Daly, Mathematics
Ashley Ramm, Psychology
Marilyn Whalen, Geology - 2015-2016
Mae Donaldson, Psychology
Lynn Schaefer, School of Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics
Lana Holben, School of Earth, Society and Environment/Geology - 2016-2017
Dennis Dalby, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Allison Perry, LAS Student Academic Affairs Office
Elizabeth Vonk, Mathematics - 2017-2018
Charisse Coleman, Communication
Adrienne Harris, Mathematics
Kara Metcalf, Chemistry - 2018-2019
Sarah Challand, Psychology
Kimberly Leigh, Entomology
Christine Lyke, Asian American Studies - 2019-2020
June Clark Eubanks, Psychology
Tom Bedwell, History
Karla Southern, School of Chemical Sciences - 2020-2021
Carol Banks, Economics
Summer Curry, Psychology
Rayme Ackerman, LAS Office of the Dean - 2021-2022
Marci Blocker, Mathematics
Karen Flesher, Spurlock Museum
Kaitlyn Fuenty, Asian American Studies - 2022-2023
Ann Byers, Mathematics
Matthew Cohn, Geography & Geographic Information Science
Brenda Reinhold, Psychology - 2024-2025
Melissa Odom, Psychology
Audrey Ramsey, LAS human resources
Brenda Stamm, Political Science
Nancy J. McCowen Distinguished Service Award
- 2006-2007
Paula Adametz Hays, LAS Admin - 2008-2009
Thomas Bedwell, History - 2009-2010
Mary Ellen Fryer, School of Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics - 2010-2011
Lori Hendricks, Psychology - 2011-2012
Joellyn Pedro, LAS Office of the Dean - 2012-2013
Lori Dick, Mathematics - 2013-2014
Yvonne Knight, School of Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics - 2014-2015
Darcy Johnson, LAS Office of the Dean - 2015-2016
Karla Harmon, Anthropology - 2016-2017
Carla Buchanan, LAS Student Academic Affairs Office
Paula Adametz Hays Staff Award
- 2020-2021
Alejandra Seufferheld, Latin American & Caribbean Studies - 2022-2023
Jennifer McNeilly, Mathematics - 2024-2025
Andrew Gabel, LAS Business Office
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising
- 2005-2006
Phyllis Vanlandingham, LAS Student Affairs - 2006-2007
Deneen DeMarie, Psychology - 2007-2008
Carl Niekerk, Germanic Languages & Literatures
Gary Spezia, Integrative Biology - 2008-2009
Richard T. Rodriguez, Latina/Latino Studies
Robert C. Steltman, English - 2009-2010
Gary Wszalek, Psychology - 2011-2012
Barbara I. Hall, Communication - 2013-2014 Bradley G. Mehrtens, School of Molecular & Cellular Biology
- 2014-2015
Keri Niehans, Psychology - 2015-2016
Jennifer Brandyberry, Molecular & Cellular Biology - 2016-2017
Alicia Rodriguez, Latina/Latino Studies - 2017-2018
Pamela Greer, LAS Student Academic Affairs Office - 2018-2019
D. Todd Spinner, School of Chemical Sciences - 2019-2020
Neil Baer, Communication - 2020-2021
Sarah Sheeley, Chemistry - 2021-2022
Kimberly Powers, Chemical Sciences - 2022-2023
Gary Wszalek, Psychology - 2023-2024
Stefan Djordjevic, History - 2024-2025
Kari Hutjens, Economics
Kristy Valentin, Student Academic Affairs Office
Dean's Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- 2006-2007
Matthew Ando, Mathematics
CL Cole, Gender & Women's Studies
Stephen Marshak, Geology - 2007-2008
Richard Gorvett, Mathematics
Carol Symes, History - 2008-2009
Laurie Johnson, Germanic Languages & Literatures
Leanne Knobloch, Communication
Mark H. Leff, History
Bruce Reznick, Mathematics - 2009-2010
James Barrett, History
Aaron Benjamin, Psychology
Anthony Pollock, English
Alexandru Zaharescu, Mathematics - 2010-2011
May Berenbaum, Entomology
Catharine Gray, English
A. J. Hildebrand, Mathematics
Robert Pahre, Political Science - 2011-2012
John C. Lammers, Communication
Tracy Sulkin, Political Science
Jeremy T. Tyson, Mathematics - 2012-2013
Scott Althaus, Political Science
Bruce Fouke, Geology
Brian Quick, Communication - 2013-2014 Tamara Chaplin, History Nathan Dunfield, Mathematics
Ned O'Gorman, Communication
Helga Varden, Philosophy - 2014-2015
John Murphy, Communication
Fiona Ngo, Gender & Women's Studies
Henry Schenck, Mathematics
John Vasquez, Political Science - 2015-2016
Robert Barrett, English
Lee DeVille, Mathematics
David Rivier, Cell & Developmental Biology
Mara Wade, German - 2016-2017
Thomas Nevins, Mathematics
Dana Rabin, History
Rebecca Stumpf, Anthropology
Andrew Suarez, Animal Biology - 2017-2018
Brendan Harley, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Robert Rushing, French & Italian, Comparative & World Literature
Gisela Sin, Political Science
Renee Trilling, English - 2018-2019
Brian Allan, Entomology
Manisha Basu, English
William Brieher, Cell & Developmental Biology
Philipp Hieronymi, Mathematics
Sandra Ruiz, Latina/Latino Studies - 2019-2020
Andrew Gaedtke, English
Rana Hogarth, History
Sonia Lasher-Trapp, Atmospheric Sciences
Zoi Rapti, Mathematics
Brian Walters, Classics - 2020-2021
Terri Barnes, History
Lisa Guntzviller, Communication
Ryan Shosted, Linguistics
David Wright, English
Wendy Yang, Plant Biology - 2021-2022
Will Barley, Communication
Toby Beauchamp, Gender & Women's Studies
Daniel Leon, Classics
Nicole Riemer, Atmospheric Sciences
Alex Shakar, English - 2022-2023
Janice Harrington, English
Eugene Lerman, Mathematics
Ghassan Moussawi, Gender & Women's Studies/Sociology
Sepideh Sadaghiani, Psychology
Valeria Sobol, Slavic Languages & Literatures - 2023-2024
Brian Dill, Sociology
Alex Harmon-Threatt, Entomology
Prashant Jain, Chemistry
Hina Nazar, English
Charee Thompson, Communication - 2024-2025
Phil Anderson, Evolution, Ecology, & Behavior
Stephanie Ceman, Cell & Developmental Biology
Nathan Dunfield, Mathematics
Jamie Jones, English
Leslie Looney, Astronomy
Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Instructional Staff
- 2006-2007
Iryce Baron, English - 2007-2008
Andrew Moss, English - 2008-2009
John Griswold, English
Katherine Wahl, Mathematics - 2009-2010
Thomas Costello, Communication - 2010-2011
John Rubins, English - 2011-2012
Eric Snodgrass, Atmospheric Sciences - 2012-2013
Jennifer McNeilly, Mathematics - 2013-2014
Don DeCoste, Chemistry - 2014-2015
Christian Ray, Chemistry - 2015-2016
David Morris, English - 2016-2017
Gretchen Adams, Chemistry - 2017-2018
Jeffrey Frame, Atmospheric Sciences - 2018-2019
Karle Flanagan, Statistics - 2019-2020
Benjamin Clegg, Integrative Biology
Mary Ramey, Communication - 2020-2021
Pilar Martinez Quiroga, Spanish & Portuguese - 2021-2022
Rachel Goebel Castro, Spanish & Portuguese
April Hoffmeister, Mathematics - 2022-2023
Michael Hurley, English
Robert Kanter, School of Earth, Society & Environment - 2023-2024
Konstantinos (Kostas) Kourtikakis, Political Science
Julie Price, English - 2024-2025
Simona Buetti, Psychology
Mary Cottingham, English
Eman Saadah, Linguistics
Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching for Graduate Teaching Assistants
- 2006-2007
Julilly Kohler-Hausmann, History
Matthew R. Lee, Psychology
Chetan Pahlajani, Mathematics
Carsten Wilmes, Germanic Languages and Literatures - 2007-2008
Evelyn Au, Psychology
Ryan Blum, Speech Communication
Melissa Dennison, Mathematics
Luis Eduardo Herrera, Latin American & Caribbean St.
Michael Rosenow, History - 2008-2009
Shabnam Javdani, Psychology - 2009-2010
Troy Cooper, Communication
Amy Oh, Classics
Jennifer Rosner, Psychology
Ellen Tillman, History - 2010-2011
Constancio R. Arnaldo Jr., Asian American Studies Program
Alexandru Balas, Political Science
Bradley J. Bond, Communication
Adam C. Irish, Political Science
Ryan Michael Jones, History
Mary I. Unger, English - 2011-2012
Jane V. Butterfield, Mathematics
Andrew Anthony Hunte, Mathematics
Christopher S. Josey, Communication
Chera A. LaForge, Political Science - 2012-2013
Peter Campbell, Gender & Women's Studies
Jill Clements, English
Megan Remmel, Political Science
Julius Riles, Communication - 2013-2014 Katherine Anders, Mathematics
Emily Dworkin, Psychology
Sandra L. Henderson, History
Melanie B. Tannenbaum, Psychology - 2014-2015
Erin Basinger, Communication
Thomas Mahoney, Mathematics
Audrey Neville, Political Science
Miranda Segura, Plant Biology - 2015-2016
Nickolas Andersen, Mathematics
Seong Hee Cho, Psychology
Wendy Truran, English
Sarah Yeakel, Mathematics - 2016-2017
Genevieve Henricks-Lepp, Psychology
Christopher Holmes-Singh, Animal Biology
Cara Monical, Mathematics
David Tokarz, Communication - 2017-2018
Bryan Abendschein, Communication
Kylee Britzman, Political Science
Valerie O'Brien, English
Michael Perino, Psychology
Nima Rasekh, Mathematics
Daniel Storage, Psychology - 2018-2019
Eric Denby, History
Katherine Norcross, English
Matthew Pitchford, Communication
Simone Sisneros-Thiry, Mathematics
Kristopher Weeks, Communication
John Westbrook, Psychology - 2019-2020
Elizabeth Field, Mathematics
Teresa Greppi, Spanish & Portuguese
Erin Grogan, Gender & Women's Studies
Kadin Henningsen, English
Cristine Mostacero Pinilla, Spanish & Portuguese
Beth Ann Williams, History - 2020-2021
Nicholas Anderson, Integrative Biology
Leah Becker, English
Ander Beristain Murillo, Spanish & Portuguese
Emily Blevins, Psychology
Kate Bruner, Communication
Jone Vicente Urrutia, Spanish & Portuguese - 2021-2022
Thomas Day, History
Cody Jones, Evolution, Ecology & Behavior
Gabe Malo, Gender & Women's Studies
Ky Merkley, Classics
Carmen Gallegos Perez, Spanish & Portuguese
Julia Spielmann, Psychology - 2022-2023
Kristin Bail, Political Science
Marissa Chesser, Mathematics
Erin Hoffman, English
Kenneth Jops, Plant Biology
Mina Nahvi, Mathematics
Katie VanDyne, Spanish & Portguese - 2023-2024
Seongjoon Ahn, Political Science
Annah Freudenburg, English
Lucía Sánchez-Gilbert, Spanish & Portguese
Lisa Louise Surber, Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior
Gabriela Tscholl, Communication
Walter Venerable III, Psychology - 2024-2025
Katherine Bunsold, Communication
Sara Castro-Cantú, Spanish & Portuguese
Gyudae Kim, Geography & Geographic Information Science
Maddy Ritter, Mathematics
Vijay Shah, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Cihang Wang, Economics
Lynn M. Martin Award for Distinguished Women Teachers
- 2005-2006
Julia F. Saville, English - 2006-2007
Erin Donovan-Kicken, Speech Communication - 2008-2009
Mary E. Ramey, Communication
Carla Cáceres, Animal Biology - 2009-2010
Samantha Frost, Political Science and Gender and Women’s Studies Program - 2010-2011
Amanda Vicary, Psychology - 2011-2012
Stephanie M. Hilger, Germanic Languages and Literatures and Comparative World Literature
Kerry Pimblott, History - 2012-2013
Pat Gill, Gender and Women's Studies
Stephanie Mager, Geology - 2013-2014
Dale Bauer, English
Neha Gupta, Mathematics - 2014-2015
Andrea Stevens, English
Elyse Yeager, Mathematics - 2015-2016
Karen Sears, Animal Biology
Anita Mixon, Communication - 2016-2017
Supriya Prasanth, Cell and Developmental Biology
Carla Rosell, English
Humanities Council Teaching Excellence Award Program
- 2005
Mark S. Micale, History
E. K. Tan, Comparative and World Literatures - 2006
Donald Crummey, History
Thomas Mackaman, History - 2007
Trish Loughran, English
Ellen McWhorter, English - 2007-2008
Robert Rushing, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese and Comparative and World Literatures
Tara Lyons, English - 2008-2009
Samantha Looker, English
Gillen Wood, English - 2009-2010
Luisa-Elana Delgado, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese - 2010-2011
Amy L. Norgard, Classics - 2011-2012
Jim Hansen, English
Katie Walkiewicz, English - 2012-2013
Kirk Sanders, Classics and Philosophy
Anna Kurhajec, History - 2013-2014
E. Jordan Sellers Jr., English - 2014-2015
Nancy Abelmann, Anthropology
Ann Hubert, English - 2015-2016
Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi, History
Sean Minion, Classics - 2016-2017
Justine Murison, English
Sarah West, Spanish-Portuguese