College-level advising

The LAS Student Academic Affairs Office supports the academic, personal, and professional development of every student. Through academic advising, LAS college advisors promote inclusive dialogue, recognize diverse experiences, encourage students to design their life and career, and to take responsibility for their success. Learn about our mission

LAS college advisors can assist with:

  • Changing majors when you are already enrolled in another LAS major (curriculum changes)
  • Changing majors when you are enrolled in another college at the University of Illinois (intercollegiate transfer: ICT)
  • Dual degrees
  • Transfer student applicants and Parkland Pathway information
  • Re-entry into the College of LAS
  • Questions about academic standing
  • Information regarding college policies and procedures
  • College advising holds
  • Withdrawal, late, or retroactive Drops
  • Final exam conflicts
  • Information regarding campus resources
  • Assistance of any kind
Frequently asked questions
Have a quick question? Check out our advising FAQs to find an answer.
Contact an advisor
Need to connect with a specific advisor? Find email addresses and phone numbers.

Connect with a college-level advisor

The LAS Student Academic Affairs Office offers drop-in advising services Monday-Friday, 1-4:40 p.m. in 2002 Lincoln Hall.

We are also available for appointments 8:30 a.m.- noon on Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and from 10 a.m.-noon Tuesday and Wednesday. Our office is closed from noon - 1 pm. Please schedule an appointment using the "LAS Student Academic Affairs" calendar. 

If you would like to speak with a specific college-level advisor, please make an appointment.

Campus resources

  • Mental Health Resources can help students navigate: mild/moderate anxiety or depression, relationship concerns, family distress, substance abuse, social skills, stress management, lack of motivation, identity development, managing microaggressions, resiliency, homesickness, sexual concerns, roommate or friend difficulties, perfectionism, time management, and more:
  • Disability Resources & Educational Services (DRES) - Determines appropriate academic accommodations and services for students with qualifying conditions.
  • Women’s Resource Center – Offers confidential advocacy and support for survivors and their support persons who have been impacted by sexual assault/rape or abuse within a relationship, stalking, harassment, and sexual exploitation. People of all genders are welcome.
  • Office of the Dean of Students – Provides resources and support for students experiencing emergencies, those struggling to meet basic needs, extended absences, disciplinary situations, and more.
  • Office of Student Financial Aid – Assists students with grants, scholarships, loans, waivers, and employment.
  • Bursar’s Office – Handles student billing, payments, and refunds.
  • Housing – Offers various housing and dining options for students.

See what our students are saying 

Read more to find out how the Student Academic Affairs Office has supported students in LAS.

I walked in scared and anxious and walked out being able to finally breathe again. I got so much more than I expected out of the appointment.

The advisor was firm, but fair in his opinions and statements. I valued the feedback and will be a stronger student in the fall because of it.

[She] was very informative, supportive and helpful! Made the entire appointment very comforting and easy. I got a lot of useful information and insight on what I need to do for the rest of the semester!

I love the environment and I always feel comfortable talking to [them] about classes and future plans. I feel it is important to check up on students and lead them to the right directions based on their abilities and I feel that it is helping me greatly.

My experience… was great. [She] was very approachable and quick to pick up that my visit with her was way more than just an advising session. I was not aware of the mental health counselor located in the building until she told me.