How to have a good start to your semester
Aashna Vora is a senior pursuing a double major in marketing and information systems. On campus, she works as a marketing intern for the College of LAS and is involved in Delta Sigma Pi (a business fraternity) and the Illini Union. She enjoys watching movies, exploring new places, and trying different foods.
2025 is a new year for you to have new beginnings and so many awaiting opportunities! Starting your year off right can go a long way—here are 6 ways you can do so.
1. Set important goals for yourself
Think of all the things you want to achieve this year in different aspects—whether it be in terms of future career goals (swing by LAS Career Services for help!), fitness goals, or even just being more confident. Write them down on a piece of paper so you can hold yourself accountable.
2. Reflect on changes from the past year
Think of instances, events, or experiences from 2024 that you would want to change or maybe even continue in this year. Make sure to put in the time and effort to improve these experiences instead of leaving them hanging.
3. Be more organized
Start using Google Calendar, Reminders, and other tools to keep a track of all the tasks you need to complete so that you can manage your schedule well. You can even use the LAS-created tool DateCat to keep track of assignments and due dates. If you have time, set these tasks based on priority—low, medium, and high—so you know which ones you absolutely need to finish by the deadline you have set.
4. Leave any negativity in the past year
Try to not hold on to any negative thoughts, experiences, or emotions from the past year so that you are able to go in to the new semester with positivity and excitement. It is best to not have any regrets because you can always say "that happened last year" now!
5. Think about the future
By the end of 2025, what is something that you would have wanted to achieve or get closer to achieve? Where do you want to be in the next 4-5 years? These might be scary questions, however, it’s important to start thinking about these important questions.
6. Live each moment
The year goes by so fast, but we don’t stop by to reflect on everything that’s happened! Remember to cherish each moment so that when its new year’s again, you can look back and smile.
2025 has now arrived and we should be ready to conquer it and make it the best year! It’s only the start, but you should live it up to the fullest.