Approval process for curricula

Submitting curricula for review

We recommend that units contact Stephen R. Downie (, Associate Dean for Curricula and Academic Policy, in the Office of the Dean prior to initiating proposals for new or revised curricula. Prior to submitting the proposal, please forward unit's Executive Officer approval to LAS.

All academic program proposals are now to be submitted through the CIM Programs system (CIM-P). LAS is no longer using Word templates for college-level approvals. A unit's authorized CIM user will now be required to enter information directly into the appropriate CIM-P form. If another person will be responsible for completing the form, we can help obtain their approval for access to CIM-P. Guidelines for new or revised programs are available, as are instructions for the use of CIM-P.

Previews of CIM-P forms for two common proposal types are provided here as examples to the questions asked in CIM-P. Please be aware that some questions in CIM-P may not be identical to those presented in these examples. Do not submit these completed example forms to LAS; all proposals and supporting documents are to be submitted through the CIM-P system.

To create a new program of study, enter CIM-P and choose "Propose New Program."

For revisions to an existing program, find your program in CIM-P and click "Edit the Program." Additional guidance for developing or revising graduate programs are available from the Graduate College

All undergraduate programs and all joint programs with an undergraduate degree must include a Sample Sequence (a sample eight-semester plan that accounts for all degree requirements) that will become part of the Academic Catalog.  Examples of sample sequences, a template, and instructions for creating them can be obtained by contacting our office. The listing of courses outside of the unit in the program of study requires approval from the Department Head of the unit(s) offering the courses.

The Illinois Board of Higher Education requires that there be a minimum of 40 hours of upper division (typically 300- or 400-level) coursework for all new undergraduate programs. Since Fall 2022, campus has required that any revision to a baccalaureate degree must also have a minimum of 40 hours of upper division coursework. Any revision that does not meet the 40 hours of upper level courses will be sent back to the sponsor. The following statement must be included in proposals for all new and revised programs:  "Minimum hours for graduation is 120 [varies with program], to include a minimum of 40 hours of upper division course work generally at the 300- and 400-level. These hours can be drawn from all elements of the degree."

February 5, 2024 - Update!
Interim Guidance Regarding Implementation of IBHE's 40 Upper-Division Hour Criterion (EP.24.068)

If you have questions on completing a CIM-P form, please contact LAS Academic Catalog. Questions about academic program policies should be directed to Brooke Newell ( in the Office of the Provost.

Policies and guidelines

LAS college policies

Graduate college policies


Processing timelines

Other resources


For more information on any of these procedures, please contact:

Stephen R. Downie, Associate Dean for Curricula and Academic Policy,

College of LAS Office of the Dean, 2090 Lincoln Hall, MC-448