LAS Strategic Plan process
The LAS strategic planning process began in May 2019, with the Office of the Dean reviewing our college's mission, values, and priorities, and subsequently identifying four goals that would form the basis of the new strategic plan.
The Office of the Dean collectively authored four white papers, each keyed to one of the four goals in the plan. These white papers were provided to four strategic planning working groups, who were charged to create a report outlining key actions and issues focusing on how to best achieve each goal in the plan.
The white papers, charge letters, working group reports, and list of members throughout the strategic planning process are included on this page for reference purposes.
Goal 1: Excel in Research and Creative Activity
- White paper
- Charge letter
- Working group members
- Working group report
- Report of the LAS Faculty Excellence Task Force
Goal 2: Re-Design the Student Experience for Today's World
Goal 3: Foster Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Goal 4: Support the People of the College, and Strengthen Its Resource Base, Visibility, and Impact
Working group members
Group 1: Excel in research and creative activity
- James Brennan, History
- Janice Harrington, English
- Vera Hur, Mathematics
- Leanne Knobloch, Communication
- Thomas Kwaphil, Psychology
- Ripan Mahli, Anthropology
- Catherine Murphy, Chemistry
- Bruce Rhoads, Geography & GIS (Chair)
- Nicole Riemer, Atmospheric Sciences
- Robert Rushing, French & Italian
Group 2: Enhance the student experience
- Benjamin Clegg, Integrative Biology
- Florin Dolcos, Psychology
- Martin Gruebele, Chemistry
- Anna Ivy, English
- Laurie Johnson, German Languages & Literatures (Chair)
- Nicole Lamers, LAS Administration
- Deniz Namik, Student
- Robert Pahre, Political Science
- Alison Reddy, Mathematics
- Nora Stoppino, Medieval Studies
Group 3: Promote diversity and inclusion
- Kathryn Clancy, Anthropology
- Brian Fields, Astronomy
- Madison Jackson, Student
- Candice Jenkins, English
- Diana Leon-Boys, Student
- Mikhail Lyubansky, Psychology
- Mariselle Melendez, Spanish & Portuguese
- Lloyd Munjaja, Chemistry
- Mimi Nguyen, Gender & Women’s Studies (Chair)
- Kristy Valentin, LAS Administration
- Steven Zimmerman, Chemistry
Group 4: Strengthen our resource base, visibility, and impact
- Jerry Davila, Illinois Global Institute
- Dara Goldman, Jewish Studies
- Adrienne Harris, Communication
- Wendy Heller, Psychology
- Jonathan Inda, Latina/Latino Studies
- Sheldon Katz, Mathematics (Chair)
- Paul Kenis, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
- Leslie Vermillion, LAS Administration
- Mike Wellens, LAS Administration
- James Yoon, Linguistics