Alexis Blum
Alexis Blum is a junior majoring in East Asian Languages and Cultures with a minor in Political Science. Alexis is an out of state student who was born in Florida but raised in West Virginia. She came to UIUC nervous about being a new place without knowing any faces but has made great connections and has really enjoyed her time as a student in the college of LAS. After she graduates, she hopes to continue her studies in graduate school and work as a Foreign Service Officer for an American embassy. In her free time, she enjoys cheerleading, exercising, playing video games, and listening to music.
Dan Dravet
Dan Dravet is a senior double majoring in Gender and Women's Studies and Communication with aspirations to enter the nonprofit sector. At UIUC, he has been involved in the Illini Speech and Debate Team, where he served as both treasurer and president, and achieved recognition as a national finalist in After Dinner Speaking. His speeches often center around deconstructing misogyny and addressing queer topics. Additionally, Dan has been vice president and social chair of the Illini Disc Golf Team, competing on the national team for four years and reaching a career-high rank of 15th in the nation. Outside of academics, Dan enjoys rock climbing and setting routes in various gyms across the Midwest. In his free time, he enjoys painting and playing the ukulele.

Oché Harris
Oché is a senior studying English and History. She always knew she’d end up at UIUC, but what really solidified the decision was when she took a tour her freshman year of high school here and found out the CRCE has a Water Slide. She has yet to use said Water Slide. Currently, Oché holds positions as Assistant/Project Director for Volunteer Illini Projects (VIP), Resident Advisor for Graduate and Upper Division Housing, and participates on the Policy and Research Team for Education Justice Project (EJP) in addition to being an LAS Hub Peer Mentor. In her free time Oché likes to read banned books, play the Nintendo switch, and travel.

Devanshee Parekh
Devanshee Parekh is a junior majoring in Psychology with a concentration in Clinical and Developmental Psychology, with a minor in Business. Devanshee is an International student born and raised in India. In addition to being an LAS Peer Mentor, she is also a Counseling Center Paraprofessional, a Research Assistant at the Language Acquisition Lab, and a Choreographer for a South Asian Dance team. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, listening to music, having a movie marathon, and spending time with her friends.

Elise Pollock
Elise Pollock is a Junior majoring in Communication with a minor in Business and Public Relations. In addition to being a LAS Peer Mentor, she is the Vice President of Inclusion for Kappa Delta sorority, is a member of Communication Ambassadors, and is a James Scholar Honors student. After she graduates, she hopes to continue her education at law school and become a plaintiff attorney. In her free time, she enjoys reading, playing with her dog Sulley, and spending time with her friends and family.

Colette Roth
Colette Roth is a Junior pursuing degrees in both Political Science and Psychology. Colette comes from a family of UIUC alum and is proudly forging her own path here as she explores the vast diversity and community UIUC has to offer. In her free time, Colette enjoys spending time outside, engaging in dialogue with friends, meeting new people, and cats!

Josie Thannert
Josie is a senior studying Global Studies with a double Major in Gender and Women’s studies with a minor in German Business and Commercial Studies. Before coming to UIUC Josie was nervous but excited for all the opportunities college had to offer, especially study abroad. Currently Josie holds positions as President of LAS JSSAB Honors Program, Treasurer of GWS club, and is an ambassador to the college of LAS in addition to being an LAS Hub Peer Mentor. She has also been a part of the executive board for Alpha Gamma Delta and The Women's Network. In her free time Josie likes to spend time with her friends, read, kayak, and travel.

Molly Wunderlich
Molly Wunderlich is a junior majoring in Chemistry with minors in Psychology and Business. She is from a small town in Connecticut and chose the University of Illinois for its strength in STEM programs. In addition to being a LAS Peer Mentor, Molly is a member of the social sorority Kappa Delta, treasurer of the professional chemistry fraternity Alpha Chi Sigma, and a TA for LAS 101. She enjoys calling her family, hanging out with friends, and watching her favorite shows in her free time.