Learn about the College of LAS during an Illini Day

Experience is a great teacher, and when you’re making an important decision on where you will spend the next four years of your life, you surely want information from a great teacher!
Here in LAS, we believe in powerful, transformative experiences to help you navigate the many opportunities that life in college offers you, even if that experience is a one-day campus visit. That one-day experience can help you determine if this is the place that will welcome you and support your personal journey toward future success.
When you visit us during an Illini Day, you will experience our community and our educational values. At our college welcome session, you will learn how we teach design-thinking to help our students make meaning of their courses and extracurricular experiences to map their future, starting in their first semester. You will meet with faculty and staff in your major to understand what your classes will be and how they will develop your skills and curiosity. You will discover our priority on the power of “&” as we inspire students to pursue minors, certificates, and even other majors, in addition to their primary major, expanding their perspectives and expertise.
You can also get to know the community beyond our college by participating in housing tours, financial aid, study abroad, and other informational sessions. An Illini Day is specifically designed for you to experience the academic and social cultures that you will not only join, but also impact here at Illinois.
You absolutely have choices on your future direction, and choices can sometimes be overwhelming and confusing. For this reason, we hope that you make the extra effort to visit us during an Illini Day to have an experience that will no doubt help you decide your future path.
We hope to see you soon – you can register online through myIllini.