Brave on the ice: visiting the campus ice arena
A senior tradition here on campus is to complete the list of “101 things to do before you graduate,” but who says you have to wait until senior year to start knocking things off the list? I took a look at the list myself and realized I had already chipped away at it without even knowing it. I want to start this list now so by the time I’m a senior I will have done everything on the list a couple times. I probably sound like an over-achiever but I’m sure I’m not the only one out there who likes a challenge.
My recent quest was Number 87: ice skate at the Ice Arena. I’ve never ice skated before; I’m from downtown Chicago and drive past the Millennium Park ice rink every year but never stopped by. I came up with excuses like, “Oh the line is too long” or “I don’t want to fall" just to end the conversation with whoever was trying to persuade me at the time—but in the back of my head it’s always something I wanted to try. Wednesday, Feb. 27 was the day; the outing was a social event with an organization here on campus, which was the perfect setting because I was sure I wouldn’t be the only newbie in the group. The ice arena is HUGE! You have the whole arena plus seating for hockey games, a café, a seating area inside for people to hang out, and lockers to store your stuff. I have clearly been missing out. Admission is free and renting skates is only $2 for students.... What a bargain!
I thoroughly enjoyed my first ice skating experience. I fell many times but I was never alone and I was able to laugh about it, get back up, and “just keep skating...just keep skating.” I met other people on the ice, made a big chain, and learned that there is an ice skating class you can take as an elective! By the time I graduate I will be ready for the Olympics! Maybe not that advanced, but I will have left this campus knowing I tried something new and stepped outside of my comfort zone. To me the list is more than just doing something to say you did it. It’s the chance to discover something the University has to offer that you didn’t know about and taking advantage of it.
Can you guess what my next quest will be?