5 tips to master finals week


Congratulations, you’ve almost made it through the fall semester! Now, there’s one more week to complete: finals week. Although many people see this time as strenuous and impossible to manage, finals week can be mastered by following these tips:

  1. Stick to your normal habits: If you normally exercise and drink coffee, then stick to those habits. However, don’t change up your routine by adding these habits into your finals week regime, because your body is not used to them. Also, remember to maintain a healthy sleep schedule!
  2. Turn off all distractions: Make sure you log off of social media sites while studying. You can download apps that block you from these sites so you’re not tempted to go on. Also, it’s a good idea to turn off or silence your cell phone so you’re not worrying about text messages.
  3. Make a plan: Before you hit the books, it’s smart to plan out your study schedule. On your calendar, mark each day with which subjects you are going to study, and what other tasks you need to complete. Cross off the ones you finish, and reorganize your schedule if you don’t finish everything in the time you had planned!
  4. Eat healthy: Eating healthy snacks and drinking water will help naturally energize you and keep you focused. Often, processed foods can slow you down and make you feel drowsy. Healthy snacks will help fuel your body for studying and prevent you from catching a cold!
  5. Take breaks: Even though classes require hours of studying, your brain cannot handle all of that information at once. It is important to reward yourself by taking breaks and watching TV, listening to music, going for a walk, or calling your best friend from home to catch up. This will allow you to relax and be ready for your next study session.

If you can stay focused, and follow these tips, studying for finals won’t be so stressful! Good luck, Illini!

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