Celebrating the value of an LAS degree

Emma SchusterGraduating from the College of LAS is more than your diploma suggests. With a degree from LAS, you will not only become proficient in your field of study, but you’ll also develop a capacity to view and think about the world in critical ways. LAS offers 70 different majors, which means that you have 70 different programs of study to learn from, right within your own college!

Personally, one moment in my life taught me the value of an LAS degree. When I studied abroad, I was taking a walk with a friend from Sweden. He was asking me about the American idea of a “liberal education.” In his home, when he decided to study in the sciences, the only classes he ever took were in science. He envied my ability to study outside my major and that the university encouraged a broad range of educational experiences.

After this discussion, I realized how fortunate I am to study in LAS. I realized my general education “requirements” aren’t just additional courses I needed for graduation. They’re amazing learning opportunities that allow me to shape my education in any way I choose.

Spanish Class

Students participate in the Mi Pueblo conversation group.

The College of LAS offers a carefully cultivated list of general education opportunities that encourage interdisciplinary education. With a variety of courses ranging from chemical engineering to East Asian languages and cultures, these gen eds offer a breadth of experiences in problem-solving, cultural and social awareness, communication, foreign language, and historical and philosophical perspectives. This is only the beginning of what an LAS degree can offer.

Beyond the gen ed requirements, LAS offers a variety of unique extracurricular activities that allow you to further develop yourself as a student, professional, and global citizen. Study abroad opportunities allow you to experience firsthand different cultures or practice a foreign language. Every degree program in LAS offers active research, which is an amazing developmental and educational activity available to all. Or, you can take advantage of internships and volunteer experiences that further engage you with the university and surrounding community.

So, as you can already start to see, a degree from the College of LAS implies a lot more than the major on your diploma. During your time with LAS, you will acquire priceless abilities that allow you to grow as a student and person, providing you with a mindset and a skillset that is very attractive to future employers or graduate schools. Studying in such a diverse college, you become a conscientious member of society; you learn to think about the world through various lenses, diminishing ignorance while fostering thoughtful contemplation and discussion.

When I graduate in May, my LAS degree will specify a bachelor of science in biochemistry, but I am walking away with an invaluable, diverse education.

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