Landing your dream job or internship with help from LAS

As I am currently halfway through my international marketing internship in Paris, I would like to take this opportunity to share some advice in landing that coveted role you desire. The experiences you have in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at Illinois will prepare you well as you take your first step toward a career. angelina manos

The first rule in landing a job is to know that even if you're told an event you're attending is not part of the recruiting process for an internship or job, it most definitely is. When trying to land the perfect job, internship, or even a coveted spot in a highly-selective Registered Student Organization, I encourage you to be the last person to leave the information night or to be the person who asks detailed, insightful questions at an event. Rather than letting this scare you, give those public speaking skills a boost and confidently converse with the role models who may just change your life.  

I am sure you have been given the advice to embellish your resume. Adding a few bullet points to strengthen your case that you are suitable for the position is essential to proving you're the perfect fit. When elaborating, use discretion, but keep in mind that there is also just something so refreshing about honesty.

Maybe you've recently discovered a love for philanthropy, or taken a class beyond your major that’s become a true passion. It is perfectly OK to explain on your resume how you came to your revelation and what you’re doing to pursue those dreams. At Illinois, I encourage you to get involved early in RSOs and take advantage of LAS’ diverse groups to find where you belong.

Don't be afraid to try new things or start all over. Don't feel forced to finish what is no longer your goal. Sometimes changing direction is exactly what we need to do in order to find the perfect opportunity.  

Once you have secured the chance to interview for an internship or job, make sure that you dress the part. Just knowing the differences between smart casual, business casual, and business professional will gain you the proper first impression. And, to boot, you have a legitimate excuse to go shopping!

And finally, use concrete examples when you meet with recruiters. Rather than stalling after your elevator pitch, really focus on what makes you stand out. Everyone here at Illinois is bright and talented. Not everyone here at Illinois is you.

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