LAS EO Excellence in Academic Leadership

LAS EO Excellence in Academic Leadership initiative equips executive officers in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences with the problem-solving skills and tools necessary to navigate the unique challenges of the academic environment and fosters inclusive climates in their respective units. This program is a collaboration between LAS, Grainger College of Engineering, and the National Center for Principled Leadership & Research Ethics (NCPRE).

This well-established 10-month leadership development program offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes individual and group exercises, lectures, case studies, and discussions tailored specifically for EOs. By adopting a cohort model, with defined groups participating over an extended period, the program ensures ongoing opportunities for learning and practicing essential skills. The interactive sessions not only facilitate skill-building but also foster trust and connections among cohort members.

The (EAL) program not only gave me tools and strategies to be a better person at academic workplace but also at my home and other business endeavors that I am involved in.

This really helped remind me that to be put in a leadership position is both an honor and a chore, but it’s best to look at it as a responsibility and an opportunity. This course really helped me feel good about the leadership positions I am in. It reminded me how important the good leaders I have and have had in my life have been to me personally and has re-energized me to try and be a strong, trustworthy, reliable leader. This class has made me stand up straighter.

Program format

A cohort of 12-15 EOs will meet online for 90-120 minute sessions throughout the academic calendar. Experts from NCPRE will lead the workshops. Facilitators will include a range of experienced academic leaders, including NCPRE director C. K. Gunsalus, and President Emeritus Robert Easter.



The sessions I selected [as favorites] were not just practical for academic department head leadership, rather, have been very helpful to developing who I am as a leader in my research and project groups. I have found the philosophy of leading with intention: understanding the mission and keeping people focused on that.

The component of this experience that will have lasting value is the relationships that I have built with a group of like-minded leaders who are developing the same skills that I am. They have become my friend and my support system.


To learn more, contact:

Margaret Browne Huntt
Assistant Dean for Inclusive Excellence
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Ellen Wang Althaus
Associate Director for Faculty and Staff Engagement,
IDEA Institute Grainger College of Engineering Administration