Inclusive Excellence Programs

From inclusive hiring to leadership and professional development opportunities, the College of LAS has resources to help make our campus a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive place.

Get involved in our efforts across the college by checking out programs offered through and in partnership with the LAS Office of Inclusive Excellence.

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Academic Leadership and Management Institute
The Illinois Academic Leadership and Management Institute (ALMI) is a small, interactive academic leadership program for any faculty member who is building a research group in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences or the Grainger College of Engineering.
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Collaborative Mentoring Network
In partnership with the OVCDEI, LAS offers a program that provides collaborative mentoring grants in support of mid-career tenure-track and instructional specialized faculty (teaching or clinical associate professors).
Executive Officer Principled Academic Leadership Program
The Principled Academic Leadership (PAL) initiative equips LAS executive officers with the problem-solving skills and tools necessary to navigate the unique challenges of the academic environment and fosters inclusive climates in their respective units.
Inclusive Pedagogy Certificate Program
The 14-week Inclusive Pedagogy Certificate engages in experiential learning to teach faculty and instructors practical tools for designing and teaching courses geared towards diverse populations of undergraduate and graduate students.