The International Student Advisory Board understands as well as recognizes the challenges and uncertainties that come with moving to the United States for college. Hence, it is dedicated to helping international students navigate their journey within LAS and ensuring their voices are heard. Beyond addressing international student concerns inside and outside the classroom, ISAB works to build an effective bridge between international students and domestic students to gradually develop a cohesive community.

International Student Advisory Board
The International Student Advisory Board (ISAB) is a student-led consultative body affiliated with the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. ISAB aims to enhance inclusivity and support for international students within LAS. The board comprises 8-12 undergraduate international students representing diverse cultures, disciplines and experiences. The board promotes active engagement of international students in college programs and initiatives, fostering a sense of community in the process.
Serve as liaisons between the international student body and the College of LAS administration to enhance the overall quality of student experiences on campus
Collect and organize data from international students to help improve LAS programs, resources, and services
Enhance the interaction between international and domestic students to build a unified community of fellow students

Provide guides on topics related to housing, banking, health insurance, renter’s insurance and much more
Offer information about campus resources such as the Counseling Center, International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), McKinley Health Center and other relevant support services for international students
Address common questions and concerns international students have about university life
Host events, workshops, and social gatherings that will help you network and connect with not only students but also faculty members and diverse LAS stakeholders
Connect with an accomplished alumni network to discuss future prospects in industry, life after graduation, study abroad, and graduate studies

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