My rewarding experience as an LAS Lisnek Hub Peer Mentor
Josie Thannert is a senior majoring in global studies and gender & women's studies, with a minor in German business and commercial studies. In addition to being an LAS Lisnek Hub Peer Mentor, Josie is involved in the Alpha Gamma Delta fraternity, The Women's Network, serves as treasurer of the Gender and Women's Studies Club, and is an LAS James Scholar Service chair.
One of the most rewarding experiences I have had at the University of Illinois has been my time working as an LAS Lisnek Hub Peer Mentor working for LAS Career Services. Throughout my time this year I have gotten to share the experiences I have loved so much with other students such as study abroad and internship opportunities. Through being a peer mentor, I have gotten to participate in events such as Illini fest, LAS Mental Health day, work the LAS Career fair as well as the Part-time job fair, and so much more. Being able to share how we can help students gain experiential learning opportunities on campus has brought me so much more joy than I could have ever known.
The influence I have been able to have on other students has been one of the most rewarding opportunities through the university. Seeing those repeat students come in to use our services brings such a smile to my face. Through helping other students and being able to share my knowledge, I have realized my love for helping others and higher education. This job has helped me realize a clearer path of where I want to go in life, maybe even back into higher education. Not to mention the amazing coworkers and influence of the LAS Career Services staff only makes the job that much sweeter. If you're looking for a rewarding on-campus job, or for Career help, come visit the Lisnek Hub Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday any time from 10:00am-3:00pm.