Find balance during stressful times

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in many ways over the past month. This has become a time when many people are fearful of the unknown and are trying their best to stay safe and stay at home. It is important that each and every one of us takes the proper measures to reduce our risk of contracting the virus. However, in the midst of change, it is essential that you continue to take care of yourself holistically–find a balance with your school work, keep active, and continue to stay connected with your peers. Keeping up a healthy lifestyle during this time can seem like a bit of a challenge, but, with some creativity, you can do so much of what you did outside of your house at home.

In-home workouts have been popular during these past couple of weeks. You can create your own workout or you can search Youtube (here’s one that I have been enjoying) for at-home workouts that others have uploaded. You might even have some at-home workout videos your parents bought that can help you remain active. I have been using an app on my phone that helps me track progress and find variety through workout plans. There are many apps that help you stay moving and committed to your fitness goals. 

Another wellness tip that myself, my peers, and others around me have tapped into is meditation and yoga. Allow yourself to recenter by taking advantage of the many mediation and yoga online classes. I’ve always wanted to get into yoga, but never found the time to do so. I have found that participating in yoga has allowed me to increase my flexibility, improve my balance, and help with my overall energy level. Personally, I listen to calm music to get in the right headspace; listen to whatever you feel winds you down. Participating in yoga and meditation can also help decrease your stress levels when it comes to school and even work. It is OK to take a moment to yourself to be in tune with everything that is happening in your world. 

Doing these activities with your friends can still be an option. Perhaps, you may enjoy it more that way. Some ways to stay engaged with your peers is to host Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout, and Facetime calls. You can stay in-touch with one another, study together, and even workout together. I have been doing this with a lot of my friends, so I won’t feel so isolated from everything. 

To stay updated on anything COVID-19 related, make sure to check the CDC and WHO websites where you can find the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the virus. For COVID-19 resources within the College of LAS, visit here.

Tips to help prevent contracting COVID-19: 

  1. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water 
    • If soap and water aren't available use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth 
  2. Avoid close contact 
    • Don’t be around people who are sick 
    • Stay 6 feet away from other people 
  3. Cover your nose and mouth with a mask or cloth when around other people 
  4. Cover your coughs and sneezes 
  5. Clean and disinfect all surfaces and devices that you use 
  6. Most importantly, stay at home! Do not risk going outside in the public and getting sick.

Blog Source

Amber Redmond
