As an incoming College of LAS student, you are required to take an 8-week, 1-credit hour, course during your first semester on campus. For most students, this class will be LAS 101: Design Your First Year Experience. This class is organized to aid newly-minted LAS freshmen in feeling more comfortable while kicking off their time at UIUC.
Campus life
- Emily's double majors in psychology and gender & women’s studies—as well as her experiences with FYCARE, the Stalking Prevention Summit, and the Women’s Resources Center—will help prepare her for a future career in social activism. Read how.
- Zoe Caryl is currently a sophomore majoring in atmospheric science and minoring in political science. She is a catcher on the varsity softball team. She provides tricks for navigating a heavy schedule.
- MCB major Neha Arun shares her experiences working as an undergraduate researcher in Professor Collin Kieffer's lab in the Department of Microbiology, as well as a look at life outside the lab at the University of Illinois Urbana
- There are so many things to love about being a student in the College of LAS. We asked LAS students about their favorite moment of the Fall 2022 semester. Read what some had to say.
- Mi Pueblo elevated my mood so much to be able to be with people who also enjoyed speaking Spanish, and to do it in a less formal setting that wasn’t so high-stakes and that wasn’t really a classroom setting.
- As a student with a disability, entering college is both difficult and intimidating; between struggling to find a new support system, figuring out a new routine, and navigating the various accommodations one might need, balancing a challenging academic avenue on top of it all seems impossible. However, the University of Illinois makes it so no one has to face things alone.
- We are fam-ILL-y! For Homecoming 2022, we asked LAS students how LAS feels like home. Here’s what they said…
- Even from my first few months in LAS, I knew I belonged at UIUC. Here are some of my favorite first moments on campus!
- Three LAS students recently shared with us what they love about the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Check out what they had to say on why UIUC is a uniquely wonderful place.