Nominations for standing committees
The faculty present at the LAS Spring Faculty Meeting will vote on nominations for LAS Standing Committees. The slate of nominees for these committees will be updated on this site Friday mornings by noon.
The College Bylaws (VI.7.4) provide that "Additional nominations, with the nominees' consent, may be presented by a petition signed by eight voting members submitted to the Secretary of the Faculty at least three calendar days prior to the election."
Elections Procedures for LAS Standing Committees (VI.H.5):
- The Nominations Committee shall present nominations for the faculty and non-faculty members for each standing committee in the agenda for the last meeting of the faculty for the academic year.
- If the slate is rejected, the Nominations Committee will develop procedures for a contested election.
The LAS Spring Faculty Meeting will be April 8, 2025 (tentative).
VI.H.3. Standing Committee- Membership
Faculty members will normally serve staggered two-year terms. The number of Faculty members on each committee shall be determined by the Faculty on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee. Each standing committee may include up to four members who are not tenure-track faculty (undergraduate students, graduate students, Academic Professionals, Specialized (including but not limited to Instructors and Lecturers)) with full voting rights in the committee. Each committee will elect its own Chair annually. The Dean or a designee shall serve as an ex-officio member of all standing committees.
The Nominations Committee has developed an ideal membership makeup for the four non-faculty members on each committee based on the committee’s purpose. The Nominations Committee is currently soliciting nominations from tenure-stream faculty, students, academic professionals, and specialized faculty for all openings. The Nominations Committee will review all nominations and develop a slate of nominees for each standing committee. If possible, the nominees shall be members of the electoral groups they represent. However, if, after due diligence, the Nominations Committee cannot identify a suitable candidate or candidates from an electoral group, a substitute who is not a member of that group but is qualified to represent that group may be selected.
Electoral groups as defined in the LAS Bylaws:
Group I: Classics, History, Philosophy, Religion
Group II: English, African American Studies, American Indian Studies, Asian American Studies, Gender & Women’s Studies, Latina/Latino Studies
Group III: Comparative & World Literature; East Asian Languages & Cultures; French & Italian; Germanic Languages & Literatures; Linguistics; Slavic Languages & Literatures; Spanish & Portuguese
Group IV: Anthropology, Communication, Political Science, Sociology
Group V: Economics, Psychology
Group VI: School of Integrative Biology, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Group VII: School of Earth, Society, and the Environment; School of Chemical Sciences
Group VIII: Astronomy, Mathematics, Statistics
For purposes of nomination and election to the Standing Committees, non-tenure-track/tenured faculty members within units not mentioned above shall be considered to belong to the electoral groups as follows:
Group I: Jewish Studies, Medieval Studies
Group II: African Studies, Writing Studies
Group III: East Asian & Pacific Studies, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, School of Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Administration
Group IV: LAS Global Studies Program, South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Russian East European & Eurasian Center
Group V: LAS Student Academic Affairs Office, Spurlock Museum
Group VI: LAS Office of the Dean, Neuroscience
Group VII: Applied Technologies in the Arts and Sciences Office
Group VIII: LAS Office of Advancement
Below is a list of the continuing members of the LAS Standing Committees and the areas where openings are available for AY 23-24. If not specifically noted, the opening is a two-year term.
The committee reviews student appeals of academic suspension and serves as the official college review body to hear student appeals on charges of academic dishonesty. These hearings take place on the following days:
First Tuesday of the month 1-4 p.m.
Fourth Friday of the month from 8:30 a.m. to noon
The committee also serves as the official advisors to the dean and to the faculty in matters related to student academic progress policies and regulations within the college.
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- Rebecca Oh, English (2026)
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- Julian Catchen, EEB (2026)
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- Gokce Dayanikli, Statistics (2026)
Ideally, the non-tenure-track faculty members will be chosen from Electoral Groups IV and V, but individuals from all areas are encouraged to submit interest:
Nicholas Kirchner, MCB, specialized faculty
Sarah Bruckler, Philosophy, graduate student
Jimena Lopez, undergraduate students (multiple openings will be filled)
The Awards Committee reviews all nominations and selections for the LAS Staff and Academic Professional Awards in the fall semester. During the first two weeks of the spring semester, the committee reviews all nominations for LAS and campus teaching and advising awards.
- ____________________
- Ramon Soto Crespo, English (2026)
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- Damarys Canache, Political Science (2026)
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- Hong Jin, Biochemistry, (2026)
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- Scott Ahlgren, Mathematics (2026)
Ideally, the non-tenure-track faculty members will be chosen from Electoral Groups II and VI for a two-year term, but individuals from all areas are encouraged to submit interest:
Susan Faivre, Linguistics, specialized faculty
____________________, academic professional
____________________, undergraduate student
____________________, graduate student
The committee reviews all proposals for new or revised courses and curricula in the college.
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- Gilberto Rosas, LLS (2026)
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- Jose Atiles, Sociology (2026)
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- David Rvier, CDB (2026)
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Ideally, the non-tenure-track faculty members will be chosen from Electoral Groups IV and VIII for a two-year term, but individuals from all areas are encouraged to submit interest:
Nooreen Meghani, ESEC, specialized faculty
Kristi McDuffie, English, academic professional
Anthony Erkan, undergraduate student
Calandra Warren, graduate student
The committee oversees the implementation of the college general education program, under the umbrella of campus-wide General Education. The committee determines which courses are appropriate for general education in each of the respective distributional areas, periodically reviews approved courses and establishes guidelines regarding the interpretation and administration of general education policies.
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- Catharine Gray, English (2026)
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- Lyle Kongsberg, Anthropology (2026)
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- Gary Olsen, Microbiology (2026)
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- Daniel Cooney, Mathematics (2026)
Ideally, the non-tenure-track faculty members will be chosen from Electoral Groups III and VII for a two-year term, but individuals from all areas are encouraged to submit interest:
____________________, specialized faculty
____________________, academic professional
Navya Bandaru, undergraduate student
Hailey Walker, undergraduate student
The Honors Council oversees the LAS honors programs, policies and practices.
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- Stefan Vogler, Sociology, (2026)
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- James Dalling, Plant Biology (2026)
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- Athol Kemball, Astronomy (2026)
Ideally, the non-tenure-track faculty members will be chosen from Electoral Groups I and V for a 2 year term, but individuals from all areas are encouraged to submit interest:
Nooreen Meghani, ESEC, academic professional/specialized faculty
____________________, academic professional
Kaitlyn Steffen, undergraduate student
____________________, undergraduate student
The committee is charged with advising the dean and the faculty on current policy and long-range planning issues.
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- Kimberly Mack, English (2026
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- Chris Cheng-DeVries, EEB (2026)
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- Feng Liang, Statistics (2026)
Ideally, the non-tenure-track faculty members will be chosen from Electoral Groups I and V for a 2-year term, but individuals from all areas are encouraged to submit interest:
Shawn Gilmore, specialized faculty
____________________, academic professional