Declaring or changing a major or curriculum
Declaring/changing primary curriculum or major
Do not take a change of curriculum or major lightly. If you are contemplating a change, we encourage you to contact an advisor in the department into which you wish to transfer to discuss curriculum requirements.
General guidelines for students
- No student may initiate more than one curriculum change within each course registration period.
- After changing majors, International students should update their I-20 by using the “Change of Field” form in the International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) iSTART system.
- NCAA athletes should consult with DIA and departmental advisors prior to initiating a curricular change within LAS.
- For students already in LAS who are interested in double majors or minors, consult your admissions/records officer any time in the semester for more information.
- Students interested pursuing a dual degree in LAS must petition the college for approval. Apply for admission to dual degree candidacy.
When you can make curriculum changes
Students who are already within LAS may request curricular changes at two times each semester: at the beginning of each semester or at mid-semester. If you are ready to change your major within LAS, complete the Curriculum Change Form during the posted application period. Application dates for fall 2025 are March 3-28, June 2-27, and August 18-September 5, 2025 for all majors except CS+X programs. Have questions? Visit the LAS Student Academic Affairs office in 2002 Lincoln Hall.
First-year freshmen who wish to change from one LAS major to another LAS major may request a curricular change at the beginning of their second semester of enrollment.
If you have completed six or more semesters of enrollment, please consult with a dean or academic advisor in LAS Student Academic Affairs before changing your major or curriculum.
Students not already admitted to LAS must follow intercollegiate transfer or second-degree application procedures.
While CS+X curricula are open for intercollegiate/interdepartmental transfer, students who are not directly admitted to a CS + X major must be admitted to a CS+X major by the student’s sixth term of enrollment, including terms completed at other institutions of post-secondary education. If you have questions about this policy, or the intercollegiate/interdepartmental transfer process, please consult the College of LAS.
LAS curricular declaration criteria
The criteria for declaring a curriculum or major vary among the many fields within the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. They apply to all intercollegiate transfer, re-entry, and continuing LAS students.
If you do not see your intended major below, the declaration criteria is: at least one completed course in the intended major or test-based credit for such a course, and a 2.00 minimum major GPA when an actual course has been taken.
We encourage you to consult the academic catalog for an overview of your major. In addition, contact the departmental advisor for help regarding these criteria or course prerequisites.
If you do not meet the requirements for any LAS major but would like to be an LAS student, contact LAS Access & Achievement for more information on the LAS General Curriculum program.
Note: Majors marked with an * have a higher tuition rate, or differential. If you declare two majors in LAS, the major with the higher tuition rate will always be your primary major. You can find tuition rates by visiting the Office of the Registrar's website and selecting the current year, then viewing the "tuition rates" link.
Actuarial science
Permission is required from the departmental academic advisor before processing in LAS Student Academic Affairs. Student must have completed ASRM 210 (formerly Math 210), plus one of ASRM 401 (formerly Math 408), Stat 400, or Math 461 with grades of B- or better in each course.
Astronomy + Data Science
Students must have completed STAT 107, MATH 220 or 221, and PHYS 211, with a major GPA of 2.00 or higher.
Brain and Cognitive Science
Students must earn credit for BCOG 100, BCOG 200, and one of the following University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign biological/cognitive psychology courses: PSYC 204, 210, or 220. CS 124 or 125 may be substituted for BCOG 200.
Students must obtain approval from the school of MCB before processing in LAS Student Academic Affairs. The school broadly evaluates transfer candidates according to the following three requirements:
- Biochemistry major GPA of 2.50 or higher, based on at least one full semester of course work at Illinois.
- MCB 150, at least one general chemistry lecture, and one calculus course completed on this campus with grades of C or higher in each individual course.
- Attendance at an MCB information session.
Chemical and biomolecular engineering*
Students must obtain approval from the department before processing in LAS Student Academic Affairs. The department broadly evaluates transfer candidates according to the following three requirements:
- Required University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign GPA of 3.10 or higher, based on at least two full semesters of course work at Illinois.
- Two of CHBE 221, 321, or 421 completed with grades of C or higher in each individual course.
- Approved graduation plan showing sufficient academic progress in each semester with degree completion in no more than 10 semesters from college entrance.
Students should develop graduation plan for approval by the departmental officer – either head advisor or faculty/staff member designated by department head.
Chemical Engineering + Data Science*
Students must obtain approval from the department before processing in LAS Student Academic Affairs. The department broadly evaluates transfer candidates according to the following three requirements:
- Required University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign GPA of 3.10 or higher, based on at least two full semesters of course work at Illinois.
- Two of CHBE 221, 321, or 421 completed with grades of C or higher in each individual course.
- Approved graduation plan showing sufficient academic progress in each semester with degree completion in no more than 10 semesters from college entrance.
Students should develop graduation plan for approval by the departmental officer – either head advisor or faculty/staff member designated by department head.
Students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all courses applying to the chemistry major as well as a minimum GPA of 2.0 in each of the following courses: CHEM 102 & 103 and CHEM 104 & 105 or equivalents, as well as MATH 220 or 221 and MATH 231 or equivalents. Equivalents can include transfer coursework and/or AP credits.
CS + X majors*, listed individually below
Students must have completed at least two CS courses required for the major, beyond CS 128 and not including CS 222, taken at Illinois for a minimum grade of B+ (A- for Math/CS and Stats/CS). Typically, these courses would be CS 173 and CS 225, but for students who earn proficiency or transfer credit for these courses, CS 233 would be the next step, then CS 241. Students must also have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 (3.67 for Math/CS and Stats/CS) and meet the standards for the LAS discipline as indicated below. Students must be approved for transfer to the CS+X majors via a portfolio application process; meeting the course, grade, and GPA standards does not guarantee admission.
- Students must attend a CS+X Information Session the semester they are taking their final qualifying course(s): sessions will take place in September and February.
- After attending an Information Session, students will receive a link to the application petition which will be due on the last Friday in September and February.
- Final decisions will be announced in midsummer (for the February application period, after grades for the spring semester are posted) or January (for the September application period, after grades for the fall semester are posted), and successful applicants will be given registration overrides for appropriate CS courses.
- Students have until their fifth semester of enrollment to apply, and may only do so for one CS+X option. All decisions are final: there is no appeal.
- The expectation is that successful candidates will have completed and met the published declaration criteria for their target major (see below).
- Students already in CS, an LAS, or non-LAS CS+X major who wish to change to another LAS CS+X major should contact Dean Robert Steltman after they have met the curricular declaration criteria for the new LAS content area. Please email him if you have questions regarding the process, as well.
B or higher in two ANTH courses.
B- or higher in ASTR 210.
B- or higher or AP/proficiency credit for CHEM 102, 103, 104, & 105 OR CHEM 202, 203, & 204 with at least one content (non-lab) course completed at Illinois.
B- or higher (or test-based credit) in MATH 231, B- or higher in ECON 102, 103, 202 (or STAT 200, STAT 212, CS 361) and 203 (at least two courses must be completed at Illinois), and B- or higher in any additional ECON courses taken at Illinois.
B or higher in two GEOG/GIS courses, one of which is 200-level or higher.
B or higher in LING 100 and one from LING 225, 270, 210, 250, or 307.
B or higher in two PHIL courses.
MATH 241 and MATH 314 or 347 with minimum grades of B- and a cumulative GPA of 3.67 or higher.
Calculus through MATH 241, earned a grade of B- or better in one of STAT 400/MATH 463, STAT 408, or MATH 461 and a cumulative GPA of 3.67 or higher.
Students must have completed the following courses with a C or better in each course: Econ 102, Econ 103, Econ 202, and Math 220/221. At least one of these Econ courses must be completed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Econometrics & quantitative economics*
Students must have completed the following courses with a C+ or better in each course: Econ 102, Econ 103, Econ 202, Econ 203, and Math 220/221. At least one of these Econ courses must be taken at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Global studies
Students must meet the college ICT requirements and are required to consult with a global studies advisor during an informational meeting prior to declaring the major or minor. Information on these meetings and the major can be found on the global studies website. Written approval is required from the departmental academic advisor before processing in LAS Student Academic Affairs.
Individual Plans of Study
Students who meet the college ICT admissions policy and have been accepted into an LAS department may obtain an application for admission to this program at 2002 Lincoln Hall. Written approval of admission from LAS Student Academic Affairs is required before a curriculum declaration may be made of IPS.
Integrative biology*
Departmental approval is required before processing in LAS Student Academic Affairs. Suggested completed coursework includes IB 150, MCB 150, and Chem 102/103 with major GPA of 2.5 or higher.
LAS General Curriculum
The LAS General Curriculum (GC) program is an option for students who wish to pursue a major in the College of LAS but do not yet meet the requirements to declare. GC serves as a placeholder, allowing students to join the College of LAS and engage in intentional and individualized academic planning. If you do not meet the criteria for any LAS majors but wish to join the College of LAS in our General Curriculum program, please contact the LAS Access and Achievement Program (AAP) team. Approval from AAP is required before processing as eligibility, performance expectations, and semester limitations need to be discussed.
Departmental approval is required. Minimum expectations at the time of transfer are that the student has completed Math 241 and MATH 314 or 347 with an on-campus math major GPA of at least 2.50.
Molecular and cellular biology*
Students must obtain approval from the school of MCB before processing in LAS Student Academic Affairs. The school broadly evaluates transfer candidates according to the following three requirements:
- MCB major GPA of 2.50 or higher, based on at least one full semester of course work at Illinois.
- MCB 150 and at least one general chemistry lecture completed on this campus, with grades of C or higher in each individual course.
- Attendance at an MCB information session.
Students must obtain approval from the school of MCB before processing in LAS Student Academic Affairs. The school broadly evaluates transfer candidates according to the following three requirements:
- Neuroscience major GPA of 2.50 or higher, based on at least one full semester of course work at Illinois.
- MCB 150 or MCB 170 and at least one general chemistry lecture completed on this campus, with grades of C or higher in each individual course.
- Attendance at a Neuroscience information session.
Students must earn credit for an introductory psychology course (PSYC 100 or equivalent), a course in social, clinical or developmental psychology (PSYC 201, 207, 216, 238, 239, 245, 250, or equivalent), and a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign biological/cognitive psychology course (PSYC 204, 210, 220, 224, 230, 248, or 255).
Secondary teacher education programs
Students are admitted only in the fall semester during their junior or senior year. A competitive application process takes place in the semester preceding admission, with applications accepted between the first day of spring classes and Feb. 1. Interested students should contact the advisor for Secondary Education Programs in the College of Education.
Students must have completed through MATH 241 and earned a grade of B- or better in one of STAT 400/MATH 463, STAT 408, or MATH 461. Similar grades in other STAT courses will not be accepted, and students who have not met the “B- or better” requirement after two attempts in any combination of STAT 400/MATH 463, STAT 408, or MATH 461 will not be eligible to enter the Statistics major. Departmental approval is required.